
Featured in Kotlin Weekly #298! https://mailchi.mp/kotlinweekly/kotlin-weekly-298
Got featured on the Android Developers LinkedIn page!
I am featured in Android Weekly #497 for my blog post Android Emulators vs Bluetooth Headphones.
Set up a custom domain for my newsletter! https://newsletter.stoicallytyped.com
Published issue 16 of the StoicallyTyped newsletter. “ “A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a person perfected without trials.” - Seneca ”
Published Issue #15 of the StoicallyTyped newsletter. ““They are wise who do not grieve for the things which they have not, but rejoice for those which they have.” - Epictetus (adapted)”
Published issue 14 of the StoicallyTyped newsletter. ““You’re better off not giving the small things more time than they deserve.” - Marcus Aurelius”
Published Issue #13 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. ““To enter others’ minds and let them enter yours.” - Marcus Aurelius”
Published Issue #12 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. ““We should always allow some time to elapse, for time discloses the truth.” - Seneca”
Published Issue #11 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. ““The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it out. There are brambles in the path? Then go around them. That’s all you need to know.” - Marcus Aurelius”
Proof read the following article: https://dpreussler.medium.com/using-the-kotlin-standard-library-in-java-ea0766deac10
Published Issue #10 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. ““If something is humanly possible, it’s attainable by you too.” - Marcus Aurelius”
Spoke on a panel at a 6th grade virtual career fair!
Published Issue #9 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. ““Take some of your own time for yourself too.” - Seneca”
Published Issue #8 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. "I am satisfied if each day I make some reduction in the number of my vices and find fault with my mistakes." - Seneca
Proofread the following article about kotlin functions for typealias .com https://typealias.com/start/kotlin-functions/
Proofread the following article about kotlin variables and expression types for typealias .com https://typealias.com/start/kotlin-variables-expressions-types/
Proofread the following article about Jetpack Compose for another developer. https://dev.to/tkuenneth/cartographing-jetpack-compose-compiler-and-runtime-1605
Opened and documented an issue in the cashapp/turbine open source library.
Moderated an internal conference talk answering live chat questions during the speakers presentation.
I added more Live Templates for Jetpack Compose last week for multiple @Preview annotations for: - Phone - Tablet - Desktop All with light/dark mode previews.
Published Issue #7 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. “"Associate with people who are likely to improve you. Welcome those who you are capable of improving"”
Published Issue #6 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. “"Whatever you’re doing right now is the best use of your time, according to you."”
Published Issue #5 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. ““Progress is not achieved by luck or accident, but by working on yourself daily.””
Published Issue #4 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. ““What happens to one man may happen to all.””
Published Issue #3 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter. ““It isn’t the things themselves that disturb people, but the judgements that they form about them.””
Issue #2 of the StoicallyTyped Newsletter is published. "You are hurt the moment you believe yourself to be."
Concluded my work on the Xfinity App